Friday, July 4, 2008

The Quest for Jerusalem- Religious or Territorial

Reading Circle session 5

Details of the session are as follows:-

Date: Friday 11 July 2008

Time: 8.00 pm to 9.30 pm

Venue: SMU Lee Kong Chian School of Business (LKCSB)

Seminar Room 1.1

This school building is situated at the junction of Victoria St and Stamford Rd, with nearest MRT Station at City Hall. It is directly across CHIJMES and SMRT HQ.

Topic: The Quest for Jerusalem: Religious or Territorial?

Speaker: Mohamed Nawab Mohammed Osman

Associate Research Fellow, Contemporary Islam programme

S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies

Nanyang Technological University

Material: 1. War and Peace in Modern Israel

2.J Judaism and Zionism Are Not The Same Thing

3. An Introduction to the Palestinian Question

Reading materials:

Profile of Speaker:

Mohd Nawab Md Osman is currently working as a Associate Research fellow at the at S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University. At the same time, he is also pursuing his PhD at Australian National University. His research area covers the Islamic political movements in both Southeast Asia and South Asia. His interests include Islamic political thoughts. As a student, he participated actively in the National University of Singapore Muslim Society (NUSMS) and served the committee as the President of the society. Outside the academic field, Md Nawab is an active volunteer in Young AMP, the youth wing of the Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP) serving in the Board of Management.

Guest Speakers: Israeli Diplomats (tentative)


8.00pm Registration

8.20pm Welcome Address by Young AMP

8.30pm Presentation on The Quest for Jerusalem: Religious or territorial?

Mohd Nawab Md Osman

9.00pm Floor Discussion

9.30pm Closing Remarks

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