Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Muslim Intelligentsia Series 2008

Project Name

Muslim Youth Intelligentsia Series.

Project Background

  1. The task of deconstructing and reconstructing Muslim societies had been a continuous process in Muslim experience. Locally, the task has never been more urgent than now. In this aspect, we must be aware of the important role our intelligentsias play in charting the progress of society. By intelligentsias, we meant, in particular, those who occupy (or will occupy) important positions in society and are able to exert direct or indirect influence upon thought, policies and decisions that will affect the community at large. Thus, the education and re-education of our intelligentsias is crucial to the development of society.
  2. Muslim intelligentsias today need to be aware of their role and responsibilities in confronting societal and community issues. In order to effectively carry out this task, they must prepare themselves with the right mindset and equipped with proper knowledge and tools.
  3. There has been a previous 2 Runs of the programme and it’s constantly under revision. The proposal is for the 3rd run to take into account the lessons learnt from the previous runs.


Andragogy – Focus on various adult learning methodologies customized to ensure relevance and interest of participants. Activities could involve discussions, dialogues, debates, role play, case study, independent reading assignments, and visits to relevant organizations.

Project Objectives

This programme hopes to inculcate in participants the following characteristics:

  1. A reformistic mindset in order to identify and acknowledge problems.
  2. A diagnostic mindset in order to be able to dissect problems and issues at hand.
  3. A critical mindset in order to effectively think through an issue or problem.
  4. A historical mindset in order to inculcate a contextual, non-anachronistic and non-atomistic approach to issues.
  5. A pluralistic mindset in order to recognize the different strands of religious manifestations in individuals and social groupings.
  6. A sociological mindset that will be able to apply and incorporate the tools of social sciences in diagnosing the conditions of society.
  7. An Islamic mindset to complete the holistic mindset to be achieved. To incorporate the fundamentals of Islam in our diagnosis of social issues.

Introductory Lecture- The Dynamism of Shariah

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Admin Post

Welcome to our Muslim Youth Intelligentsia Series Blog!

Feel free to post your comments with regards to the issues in discussion.

Yet please bear in mind the ethics of discussion that:

1) Each individual is entitled to his or her own point of view.
2) Write politely and with clarity when expressing your views.

Insya-Allah with this sharing of information we would benefit from one another.
